Earning Professional Development (PD) Hours
Professional Development (PD) Hours are needed to qualify to sit for the CBAP® or CCBA® certification exams (obtain a certification). 35 PD Hours are needed to qualify for the CBAP designation and 21 PD Hours are needed to qualify for the CCBA. PD Hours must be aligned to the Guide to Business Analysis Body of Knowledge® (BABOK® Guide) version 3 and:
  • A moderator or facilitator for the session who leads the participant(s)
    through the material.
  • Measurable learning objectives directly applicable to the role of the business
    analysis professional.
  • Opportunities for students to interact with the material and ask questions.
  • Opportunities for students to practice the task or objective being presented
    and be assessed by the facilitator/moderator.
Earning Continuing Development Units (CDUs)

IIBA® certified professionals are required to continue their professional growth through earning 60 Continuing Development Units (CDUs) every three years following original certification for the CBAP® and CCBA® certifications; and 20 CDUs every year for the AAC and CBDA certifications (retain a certification).  Continuing development demonstrates the professional's commitment to his/her career, the business analysis profession and is a way for them to give back to the BA profession.  There are multiple ways that a certification recipient can earn CDUs through the chapter including, but not limited to:

  • Attending meetings, each general program meeting of the chapter is worth 1.5 CDUs.
  • Speaking at meetings or events, speaking on a BA related topic at a chapter meeting, workshop, professional development day or other event is worth 10 CDUs,  Being part of a discussion panel is worth 5 CDUs.
  • Volunteer in a leadership role of the chapter. Board of Director and other volunteer positions for the chapter earns CDUs for the volunteer. The number of CDUs depends on the amount of engagement and length of time in the role.  Basically, it is 1 CDU for each hour of work in the role, with a bonus 10 CDUs for each six months in the role.
  • Provide BA services to the community or charitable organization. Each hour of work for a legally recognized not-for-profit organization in the community is worth 1 CDU.
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